Sunday, 23 October 2016
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Friday, 21 October 2016
the components of a peace event
Music is a bridge, connecting everyone. Music is the ideal medium for crossing barriers, and uniting diverse people. Music knows no boundaries. More than any other form of communication, music is able to transcend differences between people. Music has the power to change us physically, directly affecting the emotions and the chemical balance of the body. Music inspires us and takes us to other places. Music can lift our spirits and increase our creativity. Music can heal people. UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon said recently, “There are no languages required in the musical world. In this era of instability and intolerance we need to promote better understanding through the power of music.”
Electronic music plays a key role in the How Weird Street Faire, and one of the reasons why the faire attracts people from all over the world. Electronic music is the most diverse and globally listened to music in human history. Every culture and every country has DJs playing and creating music, and communities forming wherever people dance together. In some places it is the mainstream culture, in others it is alternative or underground, but electronic music is present everywhere on the planet.
How Weird features the full spectrum of electronic music styles, bringing different communities together to connect them to each other and encourage cooperation and mutual appreciation. This gathering of the tribes at How Weird creates a unique music festival that is always full of surprises. Faire participants are encouraged to see and experience all the different music stages, and try something new. Great care has been taken by each stage to create a high quality environment to enjoy the music and dancing, and have a maximum amount of fun. Electronic music is a good choice of music for helping to create peace, as represented by the cultural motto of “peace, love, unity, and respect”.
Dance is a fun activity that everyone can participate in, and find common ground and similar interest with anyone else. It is a very effective way of connecting with others. Dance and music are powerful ways to reach a deep meditative state, used for thousands of years with much success. A meditative state is helpful for bringing inner peace, and building the foundations for lasting peace with others. Dancing in a group also synchronizes the individuals on a collective level, enabling deeper understanding and acceptance of others, and forming coherence among the group. In spite of our differences, when we dance to the same beat, we become one.
A Cambridge University study published in the Psychology of Music journal in 2012 found that “interacting with others through music makes us more emotionally attuned to other people,” resulting in an increase of compassion and understanding of others. Another article in the American Psychological Association journal Emotion in 2011, called “Synchrony and the Social Tuning of Compassion” described how “synchronized movement evokes compassion” in groups of people. Science is noticing the same things that we did, that dancing together creates very deep connections and increases empathy, which leads to peace. As Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen, professor of developmental psychopathology at Cambridge University, explained, “Any problem immersed in empathy becomes soluble.”
For the third year, the How Weird Street Faire will participate in National Dance Week, a massive celebration of all forms of dance. Cultures all over the planet have enjoyed dance since before the written word, it is a universal expression of life. As Nelson Mandela once said, “It is music and dancing that makes me at peace with the world.”
Visual art, like music and dance, is a form of communication that bridges separations, and speaks directly to the heart and soul. Art can lead to greater understanding and appreciation of others. How Weird showcases many kinds of expression, including visionary art. We found that being surrounded by visionary art helps to recreate those states of awareness, and lay the foundation for deeper connections and understanding to take place. Music, dance, and art have always been recognized as having powerful effects on human consciousness, and being a fundamental part of our existence.
The How Weird Street Faire tries to raise people’s consciousness through music, art, dancing, and ideas. By viewing the world from a wider perspective, the connections between us become more apparent, as well as our common interests. By raising our level of awareness and understanding, we make it easier to live in peace, to develop connections between people, and to find solutions to the many problems facing humanity at this time. As Albert Einstein explained, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
The How Weird Street Faire celebrates extreme diversity and individual expression. Those attending and participating in the faire are a vast multitude from all over the planet, and perhaps other planets as well, representing a very unique and interesting mix of sentient beings. All of them potentially finding common ground and connecting with each other and new communities. There are babies and small children to young adults to elderly, and all in between. There are very wealthy attendants, and struggling students and artists. There are people of different politics and religions and perspectives, that have chosen to attend the same faire and enjoy the same activities. The extreme diversity of people at How Weird is testament to the universal appeal of inspiring art and music, and the desire of all people to celebrate peace. That deep connections are made, and a collective cohesion is formed, is proof that these elements can unite even the most extreme differences.
The faire is open to people of all ages, all backgrounds, and all points of view. Everyone is encouraged to be accepting of others, and to appreciate the differences between us. One faire participant explained why he liked the faire, “Instead of trying to bring us all into one line, we all get to enjoy what makes us different.”
AN OPEN MIND (or as we say “being weird”)
We chose the name “How Weird” as a play on Howard Street, the street where the faire took place. At first, we thought everyone would see the play on words, and didn’t really appreciate our own weirdness. Over the years, we grew to embrace being weird. We found that celebrating weirdness encouraged people to freely express themselves, and readily accept others. If everyone is weird, all viewpoints are equally valid, and everyone has an opportunity to be appreciated. Suddenly, the person who was an outsider is now a valuable part of the community. Differences between people become so great, that they become something interesting and amusing rather than dividing. Similarities that would usually remain elusive are brought out, enabling connections where none could have been imagined before. Being weird means doing things differently, and seeing the world in a unique way. Being weird enables us to step outside of preconceived notions and stereotypes, and think things we normally wouldn’t think. Having a festival of weirdness is an excellent way to open people’s minds, and prepare them to accept others no matter how different they are.
We weren’t the only ones who noticed these traits of weirdness. Being weird used to evoke emotions of fear and intolerance. In our modern world of rapid changes and extreme complexity, weird has become a desirable attribute, especially in the technology industry, which continues to play a major role in How Weird’s regional environment and immediate neighborhood. Weird has become associated with being creative and innovative. Thinking in a weird way has become the popular key to "stepping outside of the box", as we try to solve the planet’s problems, as well as our own. Being weird somehow plays a part in creating an effective peace event. Perhaps, like clowns and jesters, being weird gives people permission to tear down preconceptions and rewrite all the rules, placing them in a position to find new ways of living and interacting with others. Being weird encourages people to open their mind and accept new perspectives. Being weird allows people the opportunity to be outside of their usual way of doing and seeing things, and try a fresh approach. Plus being weird is fun.
Having people arrive in strange and colorful costumes reinforces the element of weirdness and unexpectedness, that anything is possible. At first, we just liked wearing costumes. But soon we noticed that it is an excellent way to encourage individual expression and acceptance of others. Costumes enable people to be themselves. Individual costumes break down the associations with groups or ideologies, and allow people to appreciate others based solely on their creativity and interests.
How Weird inspires peace by bringing people together and allowing them to experience a place where everyone is accepted no matter what their background is. At How Weird, everyone is appreciated for having a unique perspective that is valuable to the whole. We encourage having an open mind by embracing the weirdness within us all, the things we do differently, the things that make us unique. What political or religious affiliation someone has makes little difference when they are in an outrageous costume, dancing in the middle of the street. How Weird provides a place where people can be understood by their similar passions. At How Weird, people are surrounded by unexpected opportunities to connect with others and find common ground. Despite the extreme diversity at the faire, it is all one community.
The extreme participation of the faire goers, especially the costumes and dancing, encourages a level of acceptance and appreciation rarely seen at a public event. It is an environment that fully embraces inclusion and appreciation. By accepting others’ perspectives, we increase our capacity for empathy and understanding. Allowing yourself and others to be weird can be an important lesson in peace. In a place where everyone is weird, then every way of seeing things becomes equal, and differences are more appreciated. This leads to collective empathy and understanding. If this level of respect for each other was the standard way of dealing with each other, there would be no more wars.
The faire is a lot of fun. Peace is fun. Fun makes everything better. Having a positive attitude helps to connect with others and appreciate them. Plus it’s hard to fight when you’re having fun. Fun often results in smiles, which are very contagious. Smiles help to make people happy, even at a distance. And happy people are at peace.
Buckminister Fuller noticed that to create change, you need to built something new that makes the old way obsolete. We feel that in order to create a new world that is sustainable and at peace, we need to build something that is better and more fun. Peace is badly needed now, so that we may thrive on this planet and coexist with each other. It is through music, art, and the imagination that peace is always possible.
peace corps
Since 1961, [the Peace Corps] has sent Americans abroad in order to nurture education, the environment, public health, agriculture, housing, and other necessities in parts of the world with few resources, squelching political atmospheres, and worse. It’s not a perfect system by any stretch of the imagination, but plenty of volunteers end their Peace Corps stints having affected positive change in an often cruel world. And in the digital age, it makes perfect sense that many find blogging an ideal outlet to open up about what they hear, see, smell, taste, and touch on a regular basis. This provides not only a valuable peek into what the organization stands for, but an even better conduit for exploring global cultures through a first-person lens.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Prophet Muhammad ( S.A.W) about peace
"Whoever relieves the burden from a destitute person, Allah will relieve him in this world and in the Hereafter."
- Prophet Muhammad
It sometimes breaks my heart singing all these songs of love and peace and togetherness when really there's so little of it. mustafa ibrahim
Monday, 10 October 2016
twitter! the need of th day
If you don’t know,
companies have already started using twitter as it is the new way to
promote, connect and brand a company. In my last post I mentioned if
your company is not using twitter then your company is going to miss out be crushed.
So why bother using twitter for your business? Even twitter themselves know about the power of using twitter for business that they’ve set up a special twitter 101. Here is what twitter says
Here are reasons that I’ve came up.
For me you don’t have to be like dell in order to do this. You can have a normal business as well. If you have a restaurant and you have build loyal or new followers in your place you can send out tweet like “Having a special set lunch this weekend.” or something like that. They can tweet you for more information regarding that. I am going to teach you how you can get local twitterers.
why use twitter for
So why bother using twitter for your business? Even twitter themselves know about the power of using twitter for business that they’ve set up a special twitter 101. Here is what twitter says
Here are reasons that I’ve came up.
1. Connecting with customers
This is the main reason why you should use twitter for your business. You will be able to connect with your customers because they themselves are using twitter. Twitter has become a daily routine where people log onto it every single day, some log onto twitter the first thing they wake up even before brushing their teeth. If you have an unsatisfied customer you will hear them on twitter. This will help your company to help them. On the coming days I’ll be going deeper about how you can “spy” on tweets using free tools like twitter search.2. Branding
You don’t have to be a big brand like Dell, Nike, Starbucks to brand yourself on twitter. You can be an average joe and brand yourself on twitter. For me if your company is not recognize then you need to get a PERSONAL account. Why? Firstly nobody want to talk to a LOGO unless its a famous brand. Everyone wants to connect with a person and not a bot.3. Customers feedback
Once you have connected with your customers you will for sure be getting feedback on how you can improve your product, your services and maybe even improve your customers service. Listening to them will help you in the future.4. Marketing
One of the reasons to use twitter is you get to market your product or services to more people and the best part about that is its FREE. You don’t have to pay (Unless if you plan to hire someone to run your twitter account).5. News
You can also give latest updates on twitter about your company by tweeting. Here is one done by JetBlue Airways on their twitter account6. Give away coupon codes and promotions
You can also tweet about new deals and coupons codes to help give your company the extra boost. What everyone love include me is getting a good deal. Weather its a promotional lunch set, if its cheap. I want it. Here is a tweet on Dell is doing it.For me you don’t have to be like dell in order to do this. You can have a normal business as well. If you have a restaurant and you have build loyal or new followers in your place you can send out tweet like “Having a special set lunch this weekend.” or something like that. They can tweet you for more information regarding that. I am going to teach you how you can get local twitterers.
7. Twitter is Viral
If you’ve have succeeded gaining some popularity with your twitter account you will know how viral twitter can be. This will be part of your marketing strategies that you can use in the future. Dell have succeeded in making their tweets viral with their promotion tweets.8. Spying on competition
Did you know you can spy on competition too? Best part about this and spying on customers is that its FREE using twitter search. You can not only read what customers are talking about you but you can also read what customers are talking about your competition. If your competition is not doing anything with their customers complaints. Then what happens if you (the savior) suddenly tweet them “hey I heard you have a problem with…..” Just an example.9. Increase Sales
Twitter can help you increase sales and make PROFIT.10. Brand loyalty
At the end of the day, once you have engaged, helped your customers (your followers) on twitter. They will be loyal to your brand for a long time. This will be talked more in the future post.why use twitter for
Since 1901, the Nobel Prize
has been awarded for outstanding achievements in Physics, Chemistry,
Medicine or Physiology, Literature and Peace. In 1968, the Sveriges
Riksbank prize in Economic Science was established by Sveriges Riksbank
in memory of Alfred Nobel.
Nobel Prize is an international award which is administered by the
Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The foundations of the prize were laid in
In this year, Alfred Nobel,
who invented dynamite, wrote his last will in which he left most of his
wealth to establish the Nobel Prize. Nobel was not just an inventor. He
was also a scientist, author, entrepreneur and pacifist who spoke
against war. The Nobel Foundation was established in 1900.
Image Source :
manages the assets provided by Nobel for awarding the prizes. Each
prize includes a medal, a cash award and a personal diploma. The Nobel
Laureates also present their Nobel lectures before a huge audience in
the days preceding the award ceremony.
Nobel prizes embody a lot of prestige. In fact they are the most
prestigious awards in the designated fields. Except for the Nobel Peace
Prize, all the prizes are presented in Stockholm, Sweden, at the annual
Award ceremony on December 10. This day is also the anniversary of
Nobel’s death.
The Nobel Peace Prize
and its recipients’ lectures are presented in Oslo on the same day. The
reason why the awards are presented in Sweden and Norway is because both
countries were joined together in a personal union called the Swedish –
Norwegian union when Alfred Nobel died.
Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times between 1937
and 1948. He never received it however, and fell to an assassin’s
bullets on 30 January 1948, 2 days before the closing date for the 1948
Peace prize nominations.
That year
the Peace prize was not awarded as perhaps he had been the likely
choice. There is no Nobel Prize for Mathematics. The Nobel Prize has
been awarded to families too with the Curie family getting the most
famous quotes on peace
Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of God
no matter what the conflict.
Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow wood. Only today does the fire
burn brightly. Live Today!
- Old Eskimo Proverb
Only when one is connected to one's own core is one connected
to others, I am beginning to discover. And, for me, the core,
the inner spring, can best be refound through solitude.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Being relaxed, at peace with yourself, confident, emotionally
neutral loose, and free-floating - these are the keys to
successful performance in almost everything.
- Wayne W. Dyer
How beautiful it is to be alive!
- Henry S. Sutton
Freedom from desire leads to inner peace.
- Lao Tse
A smile is the beginning of peace.
- Mother Teresa
Whenever you are sincerely pleased, you are nourished.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
End each day with thoughts of peace. Begin each day with
thoughts of peace. Continue thinking thoughts of peace
throughout your precious day and happiness will be yours.
Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but a means by
which we arrive at that goal.
- Martin Luther King, Jr
When we are present in each moment, the past gently rolls up
behind us and the future slowly unravels before us.
- Rev Richard Levy
no matter what the conflict.
Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow wood. Only today does the fire
burn brightly. Live Today!
- Old Eskimo Proverb
Only when one is connected to one's own core is one connected
to others, I am beginning to discover. And, for me, the core,
the inner spring, can best be refound through solitude.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Being relaxed, at peace with yourself, confident, emotionally
neutral loose, and free-floating - these are the keys to
successful performance in almost everything.
- Wayne W. Dyer
How beautiful it is to be alive!
- Henry S. Sutton
Freedom from desire leads to inner peace.
- Lao Tse
A smile is the beginning of peace.
- Mother Teresa
Whenever you are sincerely pleased, you are nourished.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
End each day with thoughts of peace. Begin each day with
thoughts of peace. Continue thinking thoughts of peace
throughout your precious day and happiness will be yours.
Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but a means by
which we arrive at that goal.
- Martin Luther King, Jr
When we are present in each moment, the past gently rolls up
behind us and the future slowly unravels before us.
- Rev Richard Levy
quotes on peace
Peacefulness is an inner sense of calm - it comes from becoming still - in
order to reflect and meditate on our inner wisdom and receive answers. A
peaceful heart is one that is free from worry and trouble. It's becoming quiet
so we can look at things quietly so we can more clearly understand them and
thus come up with creative solutions. It is learning to live in the present.
order to reflect and meditate on our inner wisdom and receive answers. A
peaceful heart is one that is free from worry and trouble. It's becoming quiet
so we can look at things quietly so we can more clearly understand them and
thus come up with creative solutions. It is learning to live in the present.
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